Inside the New Russia: Your Source of Information (eBook)

ONLY $3.99

Author: Vitaly Michka
Language: English
File type: ePub, MOBI
DRM-free: Yes
Download size: 5.4 MB
SKU: INR05092022YSIE Categories: , Tags: ,


“Only the Russians live in Russia, right?”

“It is very cold over there, isn’t it?”

“Who are these Russians?”

You will find answers to these and other similar questions in this book. We worked hard so you can have first-hand information about Russia. We encourage you to go ahead and explore this beautiful country with its good people who are often taken for enemies simply because their government was “red.”

The comprehensive and easy-to-use index will help you instantly locate any specific Republic or ethnic group you would be interested in. We’ve also included maps and illustrations to provide a more complete picture of the country and those who inhabit it.

We hope that you will be able to see live people behind the black letters on white paper, and that this acquired knowledge will change your attitude toward “Russians” for the better. Read the book, you will not regret it!

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